Year: 2021
[5]Role of inhibitory neurons in temporal correlations of critical and supercritical spontaneous activity (Raimo D, Sarracino A, de Arcangelis L), In PHYSICA. A, volume 565, 2021. (Articolo in rivista) [bibtex] [doi]
[4]Getting hotter by heating less: How driven granular materials dissipate energy in excess (Plati A, de Arcangelis L, Gnoli A, Lippiello E, Puglisi A, Sarracino A), In PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, volume 3, 2021. (Articolo in rivista) [bibtex]
[3]Role of anaxonic local neurons in the crossover to continuously varying exponents for avalanche activity (Rahimi-Majd M., Seifi M. A., de Arcangelis L., Najafi M. N.), In PHYSICAL REVIEW. E, volume 103, 2021. (Articolo in rivista) [bibtex] [doi]
[2]Long-range Temporal Correlations in the Broadband Resting state Activity of the Human Brain revealed by Neuronal Avalanches (Lombardi F, Shriki O, Herrmann H. J., de ArcangelisL), In NEUROCOMPUTING, volume 461, 2021. (Articolo in rivista) [bibtex] [doi]
[1]Critical behaviour of the stochastic Wilson-Cowan model (De Candia A, Sarracino A., Apicella I., de Arcangelis L.), In PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 2021. (Articolo in rivista) [bibtex] [doi]
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