[76] G. Ausanio, L. de Arcangelis, G. Franzese, V. Iannotti, C. Luponio Jr. and L. Lanotte, ”Dynamic response limits of an elastic magnet”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290-291, 836 (2005).

[77] L. de Arcangelis, C. Perrone Capano and H.J. Herrmann, ”Self-organized criticality model for brain plasticity”, Physical Review Letters 96, 028107 (2006). Selected for the 1st February 2006 issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, published by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics on http://www.vjbio.org.

[78] F. Mallamace, S.H. Chen, A. Coniglio, L. de Arcangelis, E. Del Gado and A. Fierro, ”Complex viscosity behaviour and cluster formation in attractive colloidal systems”, Physical Review E 73, 020402R, (2006).

[79] L. de Arcangelis, C. Godano, E. Lippiello and M. Nicodemi, ”Universality in solar flare and earthquake occurrence”, Physical Review Letters 96, 051102 (2006). This paper has been the object of a ”Im Brennpunkt” on the Journal of the German Physical Society, ” Was haben Sonnenflares und Erdbeben gemeinsam?”, Physik Journal 5, Nr.4, 20 (2006).

[80] E. Lippiello, C. Godano and L. de Arcangelis, ”Dynamical scaling in branching models for seismicity”, Physical Review Letters 98, 098501 (2007).

[81] A. Coniglio, L. de Arcangelis, A. de Candia, E. Del Gado, A. Fierro and N. Sator, ”Clusters in attractive colloids”, J. Phys. C. 18, S2383 (2006).

[82] E. Lippiello, L. de Arcangelis and C. Godano, ”On-Off intermittency in Mean Field Earthquake Model”, Europhysics Letters 76, 979 (2006).

[83] T. Abete, E. Del Gado, D. Hellio-Serughetti, L. de Arcangelis, M. Djabourov and A. Coniglio, ”Kinetics of bond formation in crosslinked gelatin gels”, Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 174903 (2006). Selected for the November 15, 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.

[84] G.L. Pellegrini, L. de Arcangelis, H.J. Herrmann and C. Perrone Capano, ”Modelling the brain as an Apollonian network”, Physical Review E 76, 016107 (2007). Selected for the 1 Agosto 2007 issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, published by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics su http://www.vjbio.org.

[85] L. de Arcangelis, ”Activity dependent model for neuronal avalanches”, in ”Aspects of Physical Biology: Biological Water, Protein Solutions, Transport and Replication”, G. Franzese and M. Rubi eds., Lect. Notes Phys. 752, 215-230 (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008).

[86] E. Lippiello, M. Bottiglieri, C. Godano and L. de Arcangelis, ”Dynamical scaling and generalized Omori law”, Geophysical Research Letters 34, L23301 (2007).

[87] L. de Arcangelis, C. Godano, E. Lippiello and M. Nicodemi, ”Statistical properties and universality in earthquake and solar flare occurrence”, European Physical Journal B, 64, 551 (2008).

[88] L. de Arcangelis, H.J. Herrmann and C. Perrone Capano, ”Neuronal avalanches and brain plasticity”, AIP Conference Proceedings ”Complexity, Nonextensivity and Metastability”, 965 237 (2007).

[89] C. Godano, E. Lippiello and L. de Arcangelis, ”Magnitude correlations and dynamical scaling for seismicity”, AIP Conference Proceedings ”Complexity, Nonextensivity and Metastability”, 965 277 (2007).

[90] E. Lippiello, L. de Arcangelis and C. Godano, ”Influence of time and space correlations on earthquake magnitude”, Physical Review Letters 100, 038501 (2008). Paper selected among the Suggestions.

[91] E. Lippiello, L. de Arcangelis and C. Godano, ”Different triggering mechanisms for solar flares and coronal mass ejections”, Astronomy & Astrophysics 488, L29 (2008).

[92] M. Pica Ciamarra, A. Coniglio and L. de Arcangelis, ”Correlations and Omori law in spamming”, Europhys. Letters 84, 28004 (2008).

[93] T. Abete, E. Del Gado, L. de Arcangelis, D. Hellio-Serughetti and M. Djabourov, ”Reentrant phase diagram and pH effects in cross-linked gelatin gels”, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 134902 (2008).

[94] M. Bottiglieri, E. Lippiello, C. Godano and L. de Arcangelis, ”Identification and spatio-temporal organization of aftershocks”, Journal of Geophysical Research 114, B03303 (2009).

[95] E. Lippiello, L. de Arcangelis and C. Godano, ”The role of static stress diffusion in the spatio-temporal organization of aftershocks”, Physical Review Letters 103, 038501 (2009).

[96] M. Pica Ciamarra, L. de Arcangelis, E. Lippiello and C. Godano, ”Continuous versus stick-slip motion in sheared granular systems”, International Journal of Modern Physics B 23, 5345-5358 (2009).

[97] E. Lippiello, C. Godano and L. de Arcangelis, ”Dynamical scaling in branching models for seismicity”, International Journal of Modern Physics B 23, 5583-5596 (2009).

[98] M. Bottiglieri, L. de Arcangelis, C. Godano and E. Lippiello, ”The generalized Omori law: magnitude incompleteness or magnitude clustering”, International Journal of Modern Physics B 23, 5597-5608 (2009).

[99] E. Lippiello, L. de Arcangelis and C. Godano, ”Time-energy correlations in solar flare occurrence”, Astronomy & Astrophysics 511, L2 (2010).

[100] M. Bottiglieri, L. de Arcangelis, C. Godano and E. Lippiello, ”Multiple-time scaling and universality of the interevent time distribution”, Physical Review Letters 104, 158501 (2010).

[101] M. Pica Ciamarra, E. Lippiello, C. Godano and L. de Arcangelis, ”Unjamming dynamics: the micromechanics of a seismic fault model”, Physical Review Letters, 104, 238001 (2010).

[102] L. de Arcangelis and H.J. Herrmann, ”Learning as a phenomenon occurring in a critical state”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107, 3977 (2010).

[103] M. Bottiglieri, E. Lippiello, C. Godano and L. de Arcangelis, ”Comparison of branching models for seismicity and likelihood maximization through simulated annealing”, Journal of Geophysical Research 116, B02303 (2011).

[104] C. M. Schneider, L. de Arcangelis and H.J. Herrmann, ”Modeling the evolution of protein interaction networks, Physical Review E 84, 016112 (2011).

[105] M. Pica Ciamarra, E. Lippiello, L. de Arcangelis and C. Godano, ”Statistics of slipping event sizes in a granular seismic fault model”, Europhysics Letters 95, 54002 (2011).

[106] T. Mihaljev, L. de Arcangelis and H.J. Herrmann, ”Inter-arrival times of message propagation on directed networks”, Physical Review E 84, 026112 (2011).

[107] L. de Arcangelis, ”Are dragon neuronal avalanches dungeons for self-organized brain activity?”, in ”Discussion and Debate: From Black Swans to Dragon Kings. Is There Life Beyond Power Laws?”, The European Physical Journal Special Topics 205, 243-257 (2012).

[108] L. de Arcangelis, ”Neuronal avalanches and learning”, Proceedings of the International Conference STATPHYS KOLKATA VII, J Phys: Conf Series 297, 012001 (2011).

[109] C. M. Schneider, L. de Arcangelis and H.J. Herrmann, ”Scale free networks by preferential depletion”, Europhysics Letters 95, 16005 (2011).

[110] L. de Arcangelis, M. Pica Ciamarra, E. Lippiello and C. Godano, ”Micromechanics and statistics of slipping event sizes in a granular seismic fault model”, Proceedings of the International Conference CMDS 12 (Continuum Models and Discrete Systems Symposia), Kolkata 21-25 Feb. 2011, J Phys: Conf Series 319, 012001 (2011).

[111] M. Pica Ciamarra, F. Dalton, L. de Arcangelis, C. Godano, E. Lippiello and A. Petri, ”The role of interstitial impurities in the frictional instability of seismic fault models”, Tribology Letters 48, 89-94 (2012).

[112] E. Lippiello, C. Godano and L. de Arcangelis, ”The earthquake magnitude is influenced by previous seismicity”, Geophysical Research Letters 39, L05309 (2012).

[113] L. de Arcangelis e H.J. Herrmann, ”Activity-dependent neuronal model on complex networks”, Research Topic ”Scale-free Dynamics and Critical Phenomena in Cortical Activity”, Frontiers in Fractal

Physiology, 3, 62 p1-9 (2012).

[114] F. Lombardi, H. J. Herrmann, C. Perrone-Capano, D. Plenz, L. de Arcangelis, ”Balance between excitation and inhibition controls the temporal organization of neuronal avalanches”, Physical Review Letters

108, 228703 (2012).

[115] E. Lippiello, W. Marzocchi, L. de Arcangelis, C. Godano, ”Spatial organization of foreshocks as a tool to forecast large earthquakes”, Nature Scientific Reports 2, 846 p1-6 (2012).

[116] E. Lippiello, ´ A. Corral, M. Bottiglieri, C. Godano e L. de Arcangelis, ”Scaling behavior of the earthquake intertime distribution: Influence of large shocks and time scales in the Omori law”, Phys. Rev.E. 86, 066119 1-10 (2012).

[117] L. de Arcangelis, H. J. Herrmann, ”Spontaneous neuronal activity as a self-organized critical phenomenon”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1510, 14 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4776496.

[118] T. Abete, E. Del Gado, L. de Arcangelis, ”Gelation kinetics of cross-linked gelatin”, Polymer Composites 34, 259-264 (2013).

[119] F. Lombardi, D.R. Chialvo, H. J. Herrmann, L. de Arcangelis, ”Strobing brain thunders: functional correlation of extreme activity events”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals Special Issue Criticality in the Brain, 55, 102-108 (2013).

[120] M. Lattuada, E. Del Gado, T. Abete, Stefano Lazzari, V. Diederich, G. Storti, L. de Arcangelis, M. Morbidelli, ”Kinetics of Free-Radical Polymerization by Cross-linkers: A comparative experimental and numerical study”, Macromolecules 46, 5831-5841 (2013).

[121] E. Lippiello, C. Godano, L. de Arcangelis, ”Magnitude correlations in the Olami-Feder-Christensen model”, Europhys. Lett. 102, 59002-p1,6 (2013).

[122] E. Lippiello, F. Giacco, L. de Arcangelis, W. Marzocchi, C. Godano, ”Parameter estimation in branching processes: Approximations and novel methods”, BSSA 104, 985-994 (2014).

[123] L. de Arcangelis, H.J. Herrmann, ”Activity dependent model for neuronal avalanches”, in ”Criticality in Neural Systems”, Niebur, E., Plenz, D., Schuster,H. G. eds., Reviews of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, chapter 12, p.273-292, Wiley-VCH (2014), ISBN: 978-3-527-41104-7

[124] R. Russo, H. J. Herrmann, L. de Arcangelis, ”Brain modularity controls the critical behavior of spontaneous activity”, Nature Scientific Reports 4, 4312 (2014).

[125] L. de Arcangelis, F. Lombardi, H.J. Herrmann, ”Criticality in the brain”, JSTAT, Special issue Proceedings of StatPhys25, 3, P03026 (2014).

[126] M. Mendoza, A. Kaydul, L. de Arcangelis, J.S. Andrade Jr, H.J. Herrmann, ”Role of Photospheric Turbulence on Solar Flare Statistics”, Nature Communications 5, 6035 (2014).

[127] C. Godano, E. Lippiello, L. de Arcangelis, ”Variability of the b value in the Gutenberg-Richter distribution”, Geophysical Journal International 199, 1765-1771 (2014).

[128] F. Lombardi, H. Herrmann, D. Plenz, L. de Arcangelis, ”On the temporal organization of neuronal avalanches”, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8, 204 (2014).

[129] F. Giacco, L. Saggese, L. de Arcangelis, M. Pica Ciamarra, E. Lippiello, ”Non-monotonic dependence of the friction coefficient on heterogeneous stiffness”, Nat. Sci. Rep. 4, 6772 (2014).

[130] F. Lombardi, L. de Arcangelis,”Temporal organization of ongoing brain activity”, European Physical Journal, Special Topics volume ”Dynamic systems: from statistical mechanics to engineering applications”, 223, 2119-2130 (2014).

[131] V.Capano, H.J. Herrmann, L. de Arcangelis, ”Optimal percentage of inhibitory synapses in multi-task learning”, Nat. Sci. Rep. 5, 9895 (2015).

[132] E. Lippiello, F. Giacco, G. Godano, W. Marzocchi, L. de Arcangelis, “Mechanical origin of aftershocks”, Nat. Sci. Rep. 5, 15560 (2015).

[133] Paolo Massobrio, Lucilla de Arcangelis, Valentina Pasquale, Henrik J. Jensen and Dietmar Plenz, “Criticality as a signature of healthy neural systems”,  Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 9, 22 (2015).

[134] Ferdinando Giacco, Luigi Saggese, Lucilla de Arcangelis, E. Lippiello and M. Pica Ciamarra, ”Dynamic weakening by acoustic fluidization during stick-slip motion”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 128001 (2015). Highlighted in Physics Sept. 15 (2015); Physics Today, Sept. 21  2015; New Scientist, Sept.21 2015 and Physics World, Sept.22 2015.

[135] T.A. Amor, R. Russo, I. Diez, P. Mudnal, M. Zirovich, S. Stramaglia, J.M. Cortes, L. de Arcangelis and D.R. Chialvo, “Extreme brain events: Higher order statistics of brain resting activity and its relation with structural connectivity.”, Europhysics Letters 111, 68007 (2015).

[136] Fabrizio Lombardi, Hans J. Herrmann, Dietmar Plenz, Lucilla de Arcangelis, “Temporal Correlations in

Neuronal Avalanche Occurrence”, Nature Scientific Reports 6, 24690 (2016).

[137] L. de Arcangelis, C. Godano, JR Grasso, E. Lippiello, “Statistical physics approach to earthquake occurrence and forecasting”, Physics Reports 628, 1-91 (2016).

[138] L. Michiels van Kessenich, L. de Arcangelis, H. J. Herrmann, “Synaptic plasticity and neuronal refractory time cause scaling behaviour of neuronal avalanches”, Nature Scientific Reports 6, 32071  (2016).

[139] S. Iavarone, M. Sirignano, A. De Candia, A. Fierro, L. de Arcangelis, A. D’Anna, “Molecular Dynamics simulations on the formation of incipient carbonaceous nanoparticles at flame conditions”, Combustion Theory and Modelling 21, 49-61 (2017). DOI: 10.1080/13647830.2016.1242156

 [140] E. Lippiello, F. Giacco, W. Marzocchi, G. Godano, L. de Arcangelis, “Statistical features of foreshocks in instrumental and ETAS catalogs”, Pure and Applied Geophysics 174, 1679–1697 (2017).

[141] Fabrizio Lombardi, Hans J. Herrmann, Lucilla de Arcangelis, “Balance of excitation and inhibition determines 1/f power spectrum in neuronal networks”, Chaos Focus Issue  "ON THE RELATION OF DYNAMICS AND STRUCTURE IN BRAIN NETWORKS" 27, 047402 (2017).

[142] Damian L. Berger, Lucilla de Arcangelis, and Hans J. Herrmann, “Spatial features of synaptic adaptation affecting learning performance”, Nature Scientific Reports 7, 11016(2017) DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-11424-5.

[143] F. Giacco, L. de Arcangelis, M. Pica Ciamarra, E. Lippiello, “Rattler-induced aging dynamics in jammed granular systems”, Soft Matter 13, 9132 – 9137 (2017).

[144] L. de Arcangelis, C. Godano, E. Lippiello, “The overlap of aftershock coda-waves and short-term post seismic forecasting”, Journal of Geophysical Research 123, 5661-5674 (2018).

[145] A. Gnoli, L. de Arcangelis, F. Giacco, E. Lippiello, M. Pica Ciamarra, A. Puglisi and A. Sarracino, “Controlled viscosity in dense granular materials”, Physical Review Letters 120, 138001 (2018).

[146] F. Giacco, L. de Arcangelis, M. Pica Ciamarra, E. Lippiello, “Synchronized oscillations and acoustic fluidization in confined granular materials”, Phys. Rev. E 97, 010901(R) (2018).

[147] F. Bianchi, M. Thielmann, L. de Arcangelis, H.J. Herrmann, “Critical bursts in filtration”, Physical Review Letters 120, 034503 (2018).

[148] L. Michiels van Kessenich, M. Lukovic, L. de Arcangelis, and H. J. Herrmann, “Critical neural networks with short and long term plasticity”, Physical Review E 97, 032312 (2018).

[149] F. Lombardi, H. J. Herrmann and L. de Arcangelis, “Avalanche dynamics and correlations in neural systems”, in “The Functional Role of Critical Dynamics in Neural Systems”, Udo Ernst, Nergis Tömen and Michael Herrmann Editors, Springer 2019. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-20965-0. ISBN 978-3-030-20964-3.

[150] L. de Arcangelis, E. Lippiello, M. Pica Ciamarra, A. Sarracino, “Induced and endogenous acoustic oscillations in granular faults”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377: 20170389 (2019). http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2017.0389.

[151] L. Michiels van Kessenich, D. Berger, L. de Arcangelis, H.J. Herrmann, “’Pattern recognition with neuronal avalanche dynamics”, Physical Review E 99, 010302R (2019).

[152] E. Lippiello, C. Godano, L. de Arcangelis, “The relevance of foreshocks in earthquake triggering: A statistical study”, Entropy special issue "Application of Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics to Earthquake Prediction" 21, 173 1-13 (2019).

[153] D. Berger, E. Varriale, L. Michiels van Kessenich, H.J. Herrmann, L. de Arcangelis, “Three cooperative mechanisms required for recovery after brain damage”, Scientific Reports 9, 15858 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-50946-y.

[154] F. Lombardi, O. Shriki, H.J. Herrmann, L. de Arcangelis, “Long-range Temporal Correlations in the Broadband Resting state Activity of the Human Brain revealed by Neuronal Avalanches”, to appear on Neurocomputing.

[155] A. Sarracino, O. Arviv, O. Shriki, L. de Arcangelis, “Predicting brain evoked response to external stimuli from temporal correlations of spontaneous activity”, Physical Review Research 2, 033355 (2020).

[156] A. Plati, L. de Arcangelis, A. Gnoli, E. Lippiello, A. Puglisi, A. Sarracino, “Getting hotter by heating less:

How driven granular materials dissipate energy in excess”, submitted to Physical Review Letters.

[157] D. Raimo, A. Sarracino, L. de Arcangelis, “Role of inhibitory neurons in temporal correlations of critical and supercritical spontaneous activity”, to appear on Physica A.

[158] M. Rahimi-Majd, M. A. Seifi, L. de Arcangelis, M. N. Najafi, “On the role of anaxonic local neurons in the crossover to continuously varying exponents for avalanche activity”, submitted to Physical Review E.


Lucilla de Arcangelis 
Department of Mathematics and Physics
University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
viale Lincoln 5
I 81100 Caserta, Italy
E-mail: lucilla.dearcangelis_AT_unicampania.it
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